Friday, May 8, 2009

Write to the Chancellor Link

This is a link where you can contact Chancellor Klein regarding NYC public schools. As many of us that can (and are concerned with this issue) need to write to him about the fact that District 2 has 5 to 6 good high schools that prefer District 2 applicants and District 3 (that's us) DOESN'T HAVE ANY that prefer our district (District 3). See the sample letter from a Delta parent posted on April 24 on this blog if you need help.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear wwwriter, While your passion for our cause is appreciated, our blog is about sharing information and advocating for change within the NYC DOE system. While other forms of protest may have merit, and we wish you the best in your efforts, they are not what this group is about.

  3. Dear wwwriter, Thank you for your follow up comment. Can you e-mail me directly at
